Monday, September 17, 2018

5 Things a Digital marketing executive should know

If you are willing to seek a career in digital marketing, You have probably landed on the right page. In today’s world, By things day by day getting digitalized, the market is welcoming digital marketers. Back in the day, marketing was all about making billboards, flyers and later it did get digitalized by TV/radio ads. But now it’s the internet generation, Having an online presence is a must.
So if you want to make a career in digital marketing, here are 5 things that you must know as a digital marketing executive
SEO: Search Engine Optimization is all about making certain changes on your web page to Rank better in Google search results to gain organic traffic.
There are many factors that are supposed to be taken in consideration as you being a digital marketer like understanding and respecting the Google updates,

Making sure the site does not contain duplicate content, ensuring good back  links , mobile friendly UI and much more.
SMO: Social media optimization refers to optimizing your social media for better interaction with the target customer.
SMO broadly deals with building an online reputation and to link with your website as well.
SEM: Search engine marketing is marketing your website through ads and ranking on the top of the search engine results.
Online marketing has never been this easy, all you have to do is you need to figure out what your website is about and just advertise your website for those search terms/keywords
SMM: Once your website is optimized as a digital marketer it’s your duty to make a social media presence.
Social media is a very efficient way to gain more traffic, leads and eventually customers.
There are several platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest , Youtube .... etc.
The best thing about social media is you can choose your target audience that makes ads more efficient.
Influencer marketing: Influencer marketing is one of the most effective way to promote your brand.
You just have to find an online influencer that has a decent amount of following, You can further pay him/her Or give them a share in your profits,
it could be anything.
The above information was just a broad overview of what’s the role of a digital marketing executive.
Being a digital marketing agent is a good career choice as every single thing is going to get digitized. This is just starting

If you wish to learn more about it, we offer an in-depth course that’s two months long. If you are interested in seeking a career in digital marketing. Click this link to learn more :

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